Rise of the Tidal Island Queens is a 360 video and VR experience available on Radiance VR. The project initially developed during a virtual residency with Agora Digital Art and Metaxa Studio, 2022. Shortlisted for the VR art prize 2023 awarded by DKB in cooperation with CAA Berlin.

The VR experience was inspired by an ancient Greek myth and a series of self – portraits that the artist took at age 50. The project developed during a digital residency for Mozilla hubs with Agora Digital Art, a London based organization that advocates the work of women and non-binary artists. The work weaves together surreal CGI imagery inspired by the myth of Aphrodite’s violent birth; how the goddess was born a grown woman, and an audio piece that is a virtual continuation of Frigga Hauge’s “memory work” and built upon the oral reflections of middle-aged women.

“Some of you may recall the myth of Aphrodite’s violent birth; how the goddess of Love and Fertility was born a grown woman shaped form the white foam of the sea. Adding narrative from the surrealist artist Ithell Colquhoun with her vision of divine femininity, in which the woman becomes a landscape and merges with Earth – an entity alive inhabited by spirits… In this metaphor, the project question’s themes related to mature women such as ageism, body confidence, and criticism of the eternal youthful representation of the female body. The clash between the two players: the body and the mind.” (MiMi, Agora Digital Art, 2022).

Visit Rise of the Tidal Island Queens in Mozilla Hubs

Augmented Reality, Portugal 2022